Google makes changes in its algorithms at regular intervals and so search engine optimization is also changed accordingly. In order to improve the traffic of the websites continuously, the companies work on SEO. There are many new trends that have emerged in 2019. These trends are discussed here.
Domination of voice search
People use text typing in order to make the search for various topics but now this can be done with the help of voice search. It has been estimated that by the end of the year 2020, the traffic will increase with the help of voice search. Google is now giving more emphasis on this type of search. The website owners will have to use long keywords so that they could be searched with the help of voice messages. For example, if a person wants to search to websites for downloading music, he will have to speak the same thing as voice message so such keywords should be included in the content. The content of the website should be optimized with such keywords.
Optimization through video
Voice search will help to improve the traffic but another trend, which will help in improving traffic is video optimization. Currently, videos are becoming a good source of information. The information will become a good source of customer traffic and business will be able to explain the advantages and features of their products. These videos will help to get good traffic through YouTube. The videos should also comprise of keywords to increase the traffic. It has been estimated that by the end of 2020 around 75% of the traffic will be achieved through videos. The tips below will help people to use videos for SEO.
- The platform for hosting videos should be correct like YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
- The transcript should also be inserted with the video.
- The thumbnail image related to the video must be related to the video.
- Title and description of the video should be good.
- The video should be relevant to the page.
- The same video should not be used at different pages.
Mobile first indexing
Google started a mobile-first index. In this type of indexing, the websites are ranked as per the user experience. The indexing helps to add the mobile version of the website if it has both mobile and desktop versions. People will also have to become familiar with mobile SEO so that they can do optimization on desktops and mobiles. If people want to use this for SEO, they should take the following things into consideration.
- Content should be of high quality.
- The data on the website should be structured.
- The titles and description given in the meta tag should be able to detect what the client wants to search.
- Social metadata like Twitter should be included on the website whether it is a mobile version or desktop version.
Content quality
Google rankings increase on the basis of the quality of content that is provided on the website. The content quality depends on the type of website. For example, if the website is related to travel and tourism, then the content should be related to the same thing. The content should always satisfy the need of the visitors as this will increase the traffic and bring more users to the website.
User data protection
Protecting user data is one of the great challenges for those websites that ask the users to fill a form and create an account. The user can use these accounts to access the full website. Many steps have been taken to protect the user data and development is going on. Many antivirus software applications have been developed which also come with browser extensions. These extensions protect users from malware, spyware, malicious apps, and websites.
Blockchain for SEO
Blockchain technology is also being developed in making the browsing more secure. Webmasters are looking for ways to assimilate it into their sites and probably profit from it. It is also being expected that Blockchain will be used in the future for SEO in the future.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence technology has immense potential. This is another technology that is under development. Some companies also have started implementing it and in future, it can be used for SEO.
Wrapping up
We can see that many trends are being applied for SEO and their bright future will also enhance the future of SEO too. People who want to make a career in SEO must have knowledge about all these things.